共享自定义函数 返回
fate stay night VIP02020/12/10
public class PgSqlExtFunc { public static SqlFuncExternal SqlFuncExternal = new SqlFuncExternal() { UniqueMethodName = "st_astext", MethodValue = (expInfo, dbType, expContext) => { return string.Format("st_astext({0})", expInfo.Args[0].MemberName); } }; public static string st_astext(string name) { throw new Exception("use lamda"); } }
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?? VIP02020/12/23
var expMethods = new List<SqlFuncExternal>();
expMethods.Add(new SqlFuncExternal()
UniqueMethodName = "MyToString",
MethodValue = (expInfo, dbType, expContext) =>
if (dbType == DbType.SqlServer)
return string.Format("CONVERT(varchar(8),{0},112)", expInfo.Args[0].MemberName);
throw new Exception("未实现");
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Aaron 傲 VIP02021/2/2
-- 函数补充 , 话说本贴吧如何直接看到精华帖子啊 ?
public static class SqlFunc2 { /// <summary> /// 不可直接使用 , 自定義擴展入口 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static List<SqlSugar.SqlFuncExternal> MySqlFuncExternal() { List<SqlSugar.SqlFuncExternal> resultList = new List<SqlSugar.SqlFuncExternal>(); resultList.Add(new SqlSugar.SqlFuncExternal { UniqueMethodName = "GroupConcat", MethodValue = (expInfo, dbType, expContext) => { if (dbType == DbType.MySql) { return $@"group_concat( {expInfo.Args[0].MemberName} SEPARATOR ',' ) "; } else { throw new Exception("未实现"); } } }); return resultList; } /// <summary> /// 注意必須在GroupBy后使用 /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="str"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string GroupConcat<T>(T str) { throw new NotSupportedException("Can only be used in expressions"); } }
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expMethods.Add(new SqlFuncExternal() { UniqueMethodName = "ConvertTime", MethodValue = (expInfo, dbType, expContext) => { if (dbType == SqlSugar.DbType.MySql) return $"from_unixtime({expInfo.Args[0].MemberName})"; else throw new Exception("未实现"); } }); expMethods.Add(new SqlFuncExternal() { UniqueMethodName = "UNIX_TIMESTAMP", MethodValue = (expInfo, dbType, expContext) => { if (dbType == SqlSugar.DbType.MySql) return $"UNIX_TIMESTAMP({expInfo.Args[0].MemberName})"; else throw new Exception("未实现"); } }); /// <summary> /// 时间戳转日期格式 此处转string为了展示方便(没有毫秒小数点) /// </summary> /// <param name="str"></param> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <returns></returns> public static string ConvertTime<T>(T str) { //这里不能写任何实现代码,需要在上面的配置中实现 throw new NotSupportedException("Can only be used in expressions"); } /// <summary> /// 日期格式转时间戳 /// </summary> /// <param name="str"></param> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <returns></returns> /// <exception cref="NotSupportedException"></exception> public static long UNIX_TIMESTAMP<T>(T str) { //这里不能写任何实现代码,需要在上面的配置中实现 throw new NotSupportedException("Can only be used in expressions"); }
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fate stay night VIP02021/8/25
public static string partitiondatediff(string name,DateTime? timeFiled) { //这里不能写任何实现代码,需要在上面的配置中实现 throw new NotSupportedException("Can only be used in expressions"); } private static void Test() { //Create ext method var expMethods = new List<SqlFuncExternal>(); expMethods.Add(new SqlFuncExternal() { UniqueMethodName = "partitiondatediff", MethodValue = (expInfo, dbType, expContext) => { return string.Format("*,ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by {0} order by abs(datediff({1}, NOW() )) )", expInfo.Args[0].MemberName, expInfo.Args[1].MemberName); } }); var db= new SqlSugarClient(new ConnectionConfig() { DbType = SqlSugar.DbType.MySql, ConnectionString = Config.ConnectionString, InitKeyType = InitKeyType.Attribute, IsAutoCloseConnection = true, ConfigureExternalServices = new ConfigureExternalServices() { SqlFuncServices = expMethods//set ext method } }); db.Aop.OnLogExecuting = (sql, p) => { Console.WriteLine(sql); }; db.Queryable<Order>().Select(it=> partitiondatediff(it.Name, it.CreateTime)).ToList(); }
SELECT *,ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by `Name` order by abs(datediff(`CreateTime`, NOW() )) ) FROM `Order`
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天高三尺 VIP02022/1/9
public static class SqlFuncExt { public static List<SqlFuncExternal> ExpMethods = new List<SqlFuncExternal> { new SqlFuncExternal() { UniqueMethodName = "JsonContains", MethodValue = (expInfo, dbType, expContext) => { var value = string.Empty; switch (dbType) { case DbType.MySql: if (expInfo.Args[1].Type == typeof(string)) value = $"CONCAT('\"',{expInfo.Args[1].MemberValue},'\"')"; else value = expInfo.Args[1].MemberValue.ToString(); return $" json_contains({expInfo.Args[0].MemberName}, '{value}') "; case DbType.SqlServer: case DbType.Sqlite: case DbType.Oracle: case DbType.PostgreSQL: case DbType.Dm: case DbType.Kdbndp: case DbType.Oscar: default: return $" {expInfo.Args[0].MemberName} like '%{expInfo.Args[1].MemberValue}%' "; } } }, }; public static bool JsonContains<T1, T2>(T1 list, T2 value) { //这里不能写任何实现代码,需要在上面的配置中实现 throw new NotSupportedException("Can only be used in expressions"); } }
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1764564459 VIP02022/11/21
# 扩展Mysql区分大小写查询: var context= new SqlSugarScope(new ConnectionConfig() { DbType = DbType.MySqlConnector, InitKeyType = InitKeyType.Attribute, IsAutoCloseConnection = true, ConnectionString = RepositoryConfig.ConnectionString, ConfigureExternalServices = new ConfigureExternalServices() { SqlFuncServices= new List<SqlFuncExternal> { new SqlFuncExternal() { UniqueMethodName="AbsEquals", MethodValue = (expInfo, dbType, context) => { if(dbType==DbType.MySql) return $" binary {expInfo.Args[0].MemberName}='{expInfo.Args[1].MemberValue}' "; return $" {expInfo.Args[0].MemberName}='{expInfo.Args[1].MemberValue}' "; } } } } }); # 使用: var user = context.Queryable<User>(p => SqlFuncEx.AbsEquals(p.Account, "Apricot")).FirstAsync(); # 方法扩展 public static class SqlFuncEx { public static bool AbsEquals(string first, string second) => throw new NotSupportedException("Can only be used in expressions"); }
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1764564459 VIP02023/1/13
# 扩展 In 包含查询: var context = new SqlSugarScope(new ConnectionConfig() { DbType = DbType.MySqlConnector, InitKeyType = InitKeyType.Attribute, IsAutoCloseConnection = true, ConnectionString = RepositoryConfig.ConnectionString, ConfigureExternalServices = new ConfigureExternalServices() { SqlFuncServices = new List<SqlFuncExternal> { new SqlFuncExternal() { UniqueMethodName="In", MethodValue=(methodExp, dbType, context)=> { List<string> list=new List<string>(); var @params=context?.Parameters[0]?.Value as IEnumerable<dynamic>; foreach (var key in @params ?? new object[]{}) { if (key.GetType()?.IsValueType ?? false) list.Add($"{key}"); else if(key.GetType()==typeof(string)) list.Add($"'{key}'"); } if(!list.Any()) return $" {methodExp.Args[1].MemberName} is not null "; return $" {methodExp.Args[1].MemberName} in ({string.Join(',',list)}) "; } } } } }); # 查询包含数据 var users = new List<string> { "apricot", "1764564459" }; # 使用: var user = context.Queryable<User>(p => SqlFuncEx.In(users, p.Name)).FirstAsync(); # 方法扩展 public static class SqlFuncEx { public static bool In<T>(List<T> sources, T compare) => throw new NotSupportedException("Can only be used in expressions"); }
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fate sta VIP02023/1/13
@1764564459:这个功能有现成的 SqlFunc.ContainsArray
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1764564459 VIP02023/1/13
@fate sta:我试了不行,才加了一个
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1764564459 VIP02023/1/13
@fate sta:可以,现在又试了一下,这个和版本有关系么
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1764564459 VIP02023/1/13
@fate sta:现在切换原来版本是可以的,那就是使用问题,那帮忙删掉吧,以免误导大家
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子期 VIP02023/2/24
public static List<SqlFuncExternal> ExpMethods = new List<SqlFuncExternal> { new SqlFuncExternal() { UniqueMethodName = "SqlServerJsonArrayAny", MethodValue = (expInfo, dbType, expContext) => { var value = string.Empty; switch (dbType) { case DbType.SqlServer: value = string.Format("(EXISTS(SELECT * from OPENJSON({0}) WHERE [value] = {1}))" , expInfo.Args[0].MemberName , expInfo.Args[1].MemberName ); return value ; default: throw new Exception("未实现"); } } }, }; public static bool SqlServerJsonArrayAny(object json, object value) { //这里不能写任何实现代码,需要在上面的配置中实现 throw new NotSupportedException("Can only be used in expressions"); }
是不是可以用上面的代码 整合到 SqlFunc.JsonArrayAny() 这个函数?
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子期 VIP02023/2/24
[ { "Order": { "Number":"O43659", "Date":"2011-05-31T00:00:00" } }, { "Order": { "Number":"O43661", "Date":"2011-06-01T00:00:00" } } ]
public static List<SqlFuncExternal> ExpMethods = new List<SqlFuncExternal> { new SqlFuncExternal() { UniqueMethodName = "SqlServerJsonListObjectAny", MethodValue = (expInfo, dbType, expContext) => { switch (dbType) { case DbType.SqlServer: return $"(EXISTS (SELECT * from OPENJSON({expInfo.Args[0].MemberName}) " + $"WITH([value] NVARCHAR(MAX) '$.{expInfo.Args[1].MemberValue.ToString().ToSqlFilter()}') " + $"WHERE [value] = {expInfo.Args[2].MemberName}))"; default: throw new Exception("未实现"); } } }, }; public static bool SqlServerJsonListObjectAny(object json, object key, object value) { //这里不能写任何实现代码,需要在上面的配置中实现 throw new NotSupportedException("Can only be used in expressions"); }
.Where(it => SqlServerJsonListObjectAny(it.vJson, "Order.Number", "O43661"))
SELECT * FROM [Orders] WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT * from OPENJSON([vJson]) WITH([value] NVARCHAR(MAX) '$.Order.Number') WHERE [value] = 'O43661'))
是不是可以用上面的代码 整合到 SqlFunc.JsonListObjectAny() 这个函数?
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King VIP02023/3/25
//实现Oracle的JsonField扩展函数 public class SqlFuncExDemo { public static SqlSugarClient SqlFuncExGetDb() { //Create ext method var expMethods = new List<SqlFuncExternal>(); expMethods.Add(new SqlFuncExternal() { UniqueMethodName = nameof(JsonField), MethodValue = (expInfo, dbType, expContext) => { if (dbType == DbType.Oracle) return $"JSON_VALUE({expInfo.Args[0].MemberName}, '$.{expInfo.Args[1].MemberValue.ToString().ToSqlFilter()}')";//"JSON_VALUE(j.kingorder, '$.Id') = '1'"; else throw new Exception("未实现"); } }); var config = new ConnectionConfig() { ConnectionString = "Oracle数据库连接字符串", DbType = DbType.Oracle, IsAutoCloseConnection = true, ConfigureExternalServices = new ConfigureExternalServices() { SqlFuncServices = expMethods//set ext method } }; SqlSugarClient db = new SqlSugarClient(config); return db; } public static string JsonField(object json, string fieldName) { //这里不能写任何实现代码,需要在上面的配置中实现 throw new NotSupportedException("Can only be used in expressions"); } public static void Init() { var db = SqlFuncExGetDb(); var listJson = db.Queryable<KingJsonTest>() .Where(j => SqlFuncExDemo.JsonField(j.KingOrder, "Id") == "1").ToList(); //生成的Sql:JSON_VALUE(字段名, '$.Json字段名') = '1' } }
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╭⌒海绵婆婆 VIP02023/8/25
我添加了这样一个类,使用的时候报错: 当前表达式GetWeek(s1.CreatedTime.ToString()) 不支持,查看导航是否配置正确等。
/// <summary> /// 扩展函数 /// </summary> public static class SqlSugarExternal { public static void SqlFuncExGetDb() { #region 获取周 var expMethods = new List<SqlFuncExternal>(); expMethods.Add(new SqlFuncExternal() { UniqueMethodName = nameof(GetWeek), MethodValue = (expInfo, dbType, expContext) => { switch (dbType) { case DbType.SqlServer: return string.Format("DATEPART(WEEK, {0})", expInfo.Args[0].MemberName.ToString()); case DbType.MySql: return $"WEEK({expInfo.Args[0].MemberName.ToString()})"; default: throw new Exception("未实现"); } } }); #endregion } #region 获取周 public static string GetWeek(string fieldName) { //这里不能写任何实现代码,需要在上面的配置中实现 throw new NotSupportedException("Can only be used in expressions"); } #endregion
var group = queryable_group_PercentOfPass .GroupBy((s1, s2, s3, s4) => new { s1.LineID, s2.CarId, s3.IPAddress, s1.BoltID, s1.BoltCode, s2.AssemblyContent, s4.Model, s2.Section, s4.TypeName, Week = SqlSugarExternal.GetWeek(s1.CreatedTime.ToString()) }) .HavingIF(input.LineID != null, (s1, s2, s3, s4) => s1.LineID == input.LineID) .Select((s1, s2, s3, s4) => new AnalysisDataBoltPercentOfPass() { TotalCount = SqlFunc.AggregateCount(s1.BoltID), OKCount = SqlFunc.AggregateSum(SqlFunc.IIF(s1.IsOK == true, 1, 0)), NOKCount = SqlFunc.AggregateSum(SqlFunc.IIF(s1.IsOK == false, 1, 0)), OKPercent = SqlFunc.Round(SqlFunc.ToDecimal(SqlFunc.AggregateSum(SqlFunc.IIF(s1.IsOK == true, 1, 0))) / SqlFunc.ToDecimal(SqlFunc.AggregateCount(s1.BoltID)), 2), NOKPercent = SqlFunc.Round(SqlFunc.ToDecimal(SqlFunc.AggregateSum(SqlFunc.IIF(s1.IsOK == false, 1, 0))) / SqlFunc.ToDecimal(SqlFunc.AggregateCount(s1.BoltID)), 2), IpAddress = s3.IPAddress ?? "", LineID = s1.LineID, CarId = s2.CarId, BoltID = s1.BoltID ?? "", BoltCode = s1.BoltCode ?? "", Section = s2.Section ?? "", ToolCategory = s4.TypeName ?? "", GunModel = s4.Model ?? "", AssemblyContent = s2.AssemblyContent ?? "", CreatedTimeText = SqlSugarExternal.GetWeek(s1.CreatedTime.ToString()) })
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自由 VIP02023/11/7
SELECT "Year" AS "Year" , "Month" AS "Month" , "Day" AS "Day" , "Hour" AS "Hour" , COUNT ( "ExtensionId" ) FILTER ( WHERE "Action" = True ) AS "ExtensionActionCount" , COUNT ( "ExtensionId" ) FILTER ( WHERE "Action" = False ) AS "ExtensionNotActionCount" FROM "Fcom_Huihu_V1_ExtensionActionRecord" WHERE ( "DeleteFlag" = 0 )GROUP BY "Hour","Month","Year","Day" ORDER BY "Hour" ASC
public static int CountWhere<T, T2>(T field, T2 where, object whereValue) { //这里不能写任何实现代码,需要在上面的配置中实现 throw new NotSupportedException("Can only be used in expressions"); } public static List<SqlFuncExternal> InitFunc() { var expMethods = new List<SqlFuncExternal>(); expMethods.Add(new SqlFuncExternal() { UniqueMethodName = "CountWhere", MethodValue = (expInfo, dbType, expContext) => { if (dbType == DbType.PostgreSQL) { var value = ""; if (expInfo.BaseExpression.Type==typeof(string)) { value = $"'{expInfo.Args[2].MemberValue}'"; } else if (expInfo.BaseExpression.Type == typeof(int)|| expInfo.BaseExpression.Type == typeof(int?)) { value = $"{expInfo.Args[2].MemberValue}"; } else if (expInfo.BaseExpression.Type == typeof(bool) || expInfo.BaseExpression.Type == typeof(bool?)) { value = $"{expInfo.Args[2].MemberValue}"; } else if (expInfo.BaseExpression.Type == typeof(Guid) || expInfo.BaseExpression.Type == typeof(Guid?)) { value = $"'{expInfo.Args[2].MemberValue}'"; } else if (expInfo.BaseExpression.Type == typeof(long) || expInfo.BaseExpression.Type == typeof(long?)) { value = $"{expInfo.Args[2].MemberValue}"; } else if (expInfo.BaseExpression.Type == typeof(DateTime) || expInfo.BaseExpression.Type == typeof(DateTime?)) { value = $"'{expInfo.Args[2].MemberValue}'"; } return @$"COUNT ( {expInfo.Args[0].MemberName} ) FILTER ( WHERE {expInfo.Args[1].MemberName} = {value} )"; } //return string.Format("CAST({0} AS VARCHAR(MAX))", expInfo.Args[0].MemberName); else throw new Exception("该类型数据库未实现CountWhere"); } }); return expMethods; }
var list = queryDb .GroupBy(ear => new { ear.Hour, ear.Month, ear.Year, ear.Day }) .OrderBy(ear => ear.Hour) .Select(ear => new RspExtensionDayActionList { Year = ear.Year, Month = ear.Month, Day = ear.Day, Hour = ear.Hour, ExtensionActionCount = SqlFuncExpand.CountWhere(ear.ExtensionId, ear.Action, true), ExtensionNotActionCount = SqlFuncExpand.CountWhere(ear.ExtensionId, ear.Action, false), }) .ToList();
Pgsql中 Count 带where
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wang2650 VIP02023/12/21
public static string ChangeToNumberForOracle()
throw new NotSupportedException("Can only be used in expressions");
expMethods.Add(new SqlFuncExternal()
UniqueMethodName = "ChangeToNumberForOracle",
MethodValue = (expInfo, dbType, expContext) =>
return string.Format("CAST({0} AS NUMBER)", expInfo.Args[0].MemberName);
throw new Exception("未实现");
public static string ChangeToStringForOracle()
throw new NotSupportedException("Can only be used in expressions");
expMethods.Add(new SqlFuncExternal()
UniqueMethodName = "ChangeToStringForOracle",
MethodValue = (expInfo, dbType, expContext) =>
return string.Format("TO_CHAR({0} )", expInfo.Args[0].MemberName);
throw new Exception("未实现");
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wang2650 VIP02023/12/21
主要是为了解决,当使用oracle的时候, 数据库字段是number(38,0 ) number(38,8) 这种情况。
因为c#中,没有对应这么大的数值类型。版主的建议是实体类用字符串类型来对应数据库的number(38,0 ) 。
但是当进行条件比较的时候,因为实体类是字符串,不好比较大小。 所以写了这个扩展。
/// <summary>
/// 数字等于
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <exception cref="NotSupportedException"></exception>
public static string NumberEq()
throw new NotSupportedException("Can only be used in expressions");
/// <summary>
/// 数字大于
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <exception cref="NotSupportedException"></exception>
public static string NumberGt()
throw new NotSupportedException("Can only be used in expressions");
/// <summary>
/// 数字大于等于
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <exception cref="NotSupportedException"></exception>
public static string NumberGE()
throw new NotSupportedException("Can only be used in expressions");
/// <summary>
/// 数字小于
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <exception cref="NotSupportedException"></exception>
public static string NumberLs()
throw new NotSupportedException("Can only be used in expressions");
/// <summary>
/// 数字小于等于
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <exception cref="NotSupportedException"></exception>
public static string NumberLE()
throw new NotSupportedException("Can only be used in expressions");
expMethods.Add(new SqlFuncExternal()
UniqueMethodName = "NumberGt",
MethodValue = (expInfo, dbType, expContext) =>
return string.Format(" {0}>{1} ", expInfo.Args[0].MemberName, expInfo.Args[0].MemberValue);
throw new Exception("未实现");
expMethods.Add(new SqlFuncExternal()
UniqueMethodName = "NumberGE",
MethodValue = (expInfo, dbType, expContext) =>
return string.Format(" {0}>={1} ", expInfo.Args[0].MemberName, expInfo.Args[0].MemberValue);
throw new Exception("未实现");
expMethods.Add(new SqlFuncExternal()
UniqueMethodName = "NumberLs",
MethodValue = (expInfo, dbType, expContext) =>
return string.Format(" {0}<{1} ", expInfo.Args[0].MemberName, expInfo.Args[0].MemberValue);
throw new Exception("未实现");
expMethods.Add(new SqlFuncExternal()
UniqueMethodName = "NumberLE",
MethodValue = (expInfo, dbType, expContext) =>
return string.Format(" {0}<={1} ", expInfo.Args[0].MemberName, expInfo.Args[0].MemberValue);
throw new Exception("未实现");
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fate sta VIP02023/12/21
NumberGE 这个方法是有的
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fate sta VIP02023/12/21
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fate sta VIP02023/12/21
SqlFunc.GreaterThanOrEqual 有一套这样的方法参数是object
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wang2650 VIP02023/12/21
@fate sta: 好的 。我先看看。 我很少用到扩展函数。
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wang2650 VIP02023/12/21
@fate sta:
生成的sql 这样的。 ("MATERIALSOFINID" > N'789987456123654123') 把数字转换成了字符串是有问题的。虽然能执行,但结果应该不对, 应该是 ("MATERIALSOFINID" > 789987456123654123) 才对。
而如果 SqlFunc.GreaterThan(it.MATERIALSOFINID,54646546548798746546546897) c# 会提示整数常量太大。
是我用的姿势不对吗? 还是我需要自己搞自己的扩展方法,来生成 "MATERIALSOFINID" > 789987456123654123 这样的语句。
下面是知乎中,关于oracle中 数字和字符串的比较说明
Oracle中字符串大小比较以及数据隐式转化 - 知乎 (zhihu.com)
select * from users where age > ’30’
假如有一条age的值为4,当数据库将’4’和’30’来比较大小的时候,第一步会用空格补全位数,实际比较的是’4 ’和’30’,然后从左至右依次比较ascii码大小,4的ascii码是52,3的ascii码是51,所以’4’就比’30’大了,也就出现在我们的筛选结果中了。
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裸奔的代码 VIP02024/5/30
我写了一些MYSQL8.0的JSON函数,方法比较多分享在GitHub了,SqlSugar Mysql JSON Functions (github.com)
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