PORT=5432;DATABASE=SqlSugar4xTest;HOST=localhost;PASSWORD=haosql;USER ID=postgres //支持schema 用法:searchpath=架构名 //最大连接池设置和其他库不一样,如下 //MaxPoolSize=512 //非public看标题6
推荐: 写Sql无需考虑大小写
//无需配置任何东西 SqlSugarClient db = new SqlSugarClient(new ConnectionConfig() { DbType = DbType.PostgreSQL, ConnectionString = Config.ConnectionString3, IsAutoCloseConnection = true }); //技巧:如果想全自动 StudentName变成 student_name SqlSugarClient db = new SqlSugarClient(new ConnectionConfig() { DbType = DbType.PostgreSQL, ConnectionString = Config.ConnectionString3, IsAutoCloseConnection = true, ConfigureExternalServices=new ConfigureExternalServices() { EntityService = (x,p) => //处理列名 { //要排除DTO类,不然MergeTable会有问题 p.DbColumnName = UtilMethods.ToUnderLine(p.DbColumnName);//ToUnderLine驼峰转下划线方法 }, EntityNameService = (x, p) => //处理表名 { //最好排除DTO类 p.DbTableName=UtilMethods.ToUnderLine(p.DbTableName);//ToUnderLine驼峰转下划线方法 } } });
缺点:写SQL难受 ,需要大小写和实体一样,并且加上转译符号
var db= new SqlSugarClient(new ConnectionConfig(){ DbType = SqlSugar.DbType.PostgreSQL, ConnectionString = Config.ConnectionString, IsAutoCloseConnection = true, MoreSettings= new ConnMoreSettings() { PgSqlIsAutoToLower = false,//增删查改支持驼峰表 PgSqlIsAutoToLowerCodeFirst = false, // 建表建驼峰表。 }}) //注意 是false不要看错了
PgSql 的Json类型操作实体需要配置
//可以是JSON对应的对象 [SugarColumn(IsJson = true )]//低版本要加 ColumnDataType ="json" Public List<Order> JsonText{get;set;} //只要能序列化成json的所有对象都可以
[SugarColumn(ColumnDataType = "text []", IsArray = true)] public string [] MenuIds { get; set; } //数组函数:SqlSugarCore var x=Db.Queryable<UnitArrayLongtest1>() .Where(it => SqlFunc.PgsqlArrayContains(it.ids , 1))//数组包含 .ToList();
https://www.donet5.com/ask/9/23319 用户1解决
https://www.donet5.com/Ask/9/26619 用户2解决
Nuget安装 Npgsql.NetTopologySuite7.0以下版本和SqlSugarCore
//************* 用法1 ****************** SqlSugarClient Db= new SqlSugarClient(new ConnectionConfig(){ ConnectionString = "连接符字串", DbType = DbType.SqlServer, IsAutoCloseConnection = true}, db=>{ //配置使用这个类型 NpgsqlConnection.GlobalTypeMapper.UseNetTopologySuite(); }); //实体 [SugarColumn(ColumnName="geom")] public Geometry geom { get; set; } var list=db.Queryable<xx>().ToList(); //*************用法2****************** //实体 [SugarColumn(ColumnName="geom")] public Geometry geom { get; set; } //代码 //使用长链接 (如果不使用OpenAways需要将自动释放关闭手动Open Close) using (db.Ado.OpenAlways()) { (db.Ado.Connection as NpgsqlConnection).TypeMapper.UseNetTopologySuite( new DotSpatialAffineCoordinateSequenceFactory(Ordinates.XY), handleOrdinates: Ordinates.XY); //配置相关代码 var list=db.Queryable<xx>().ToList();//查询插入就可以用了 } //注意:Npgsql.NetTopologySuite7.0以下版本,不要高版本,高版本写法有变你们可以研究。
Cannot write DateTime with Kind=Unspecified to PostgreSQL type 'timestamp with time zone',
only UTC is supported. Note that it's not possible to mix DateTimes with different
Kinds in an array/range. See the Npgsql.EnableLegacyTimestampBehavior
AppContext switch to enable legacy behavior.
//ORM源码: if (StaticConfig.AppContext_ConvertInfinityDateTime == false) { AppContext.SetSwitch("Npgsql.EnableLegacyTimestampBehavior", true); AppContext.SetSwitch("Npgsql.DisableDateTimeInfinityConversions", true); } //如果不想用默认的可以把 StaticConfig.AppContext_ConvertInfinityDateTime=true;//这样就不走ORM默认
连接字符串上加上 searchpath=架构名 ,可以支持多架构 (版本支持)
如果不使用CodeFirst, 建表实现自增应该下面这样写
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "public"."order"; CREATE TABLE "public"."order" ( "id" int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('order_id_seq'::regclass), "name" varchar(200) NOT NULL, "price" numeric NOT NULL, "createtime" timestamp(6), "customid" int4 )
ALTER TABLE "app_1714835140380856320" ALTER COLUMN "A" TYPE INT4 USING "A"::INT4;//加上using就能强转 ALTER COLUMN "ABC" TYPE int8 USING CASE WHEN pg_typeof("ABC")::text = 'text' THEN 2 WHEN pg_typeof("ABC")::text = 'json' THEN 1 ELSE 0 -- 或者其他默认值 END;
db.Aop.OnExecutingChangeSql = (s, p) => { if (s.StartsWith("alter table ") && s.Contains(" type ") && !s.Contains(" USING ")) { var type= s.Split(" type ").Last(); var columnName = s.Split(" ALTER COLUMN ").Last().Split(" ").First(); s = $"{s} USING {columnName}::{type}";//这儿的逻辑自已处理 } return new KeyValuePair<string, SugarParameter[]>(s, p); };
IsAutoCloseConnection = true, DbType = DbType.PostgreSQL, ConnectionString = Connection, MoreSettings=new ConnMoreSettings() { EnableILike=true }
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